Einführung in Systemische Praxis mit Organisationen | Introduction to Systemic Organisational Practice


Einführung in Systemische Praxis mit Organisationen - in englischer Sprache

Von (from) 10:30 bis (until) 17:30


ca. €180

Dr Martin Miksits / info@consutlationhouse.com

Introduction to Systemic Organisational Practice - Online

This interactive introductory workshop invites an orientation to key concepts of systemic leadership and consulting practice.  It also provides a sound basis for joining the The Diploma in Systemic Leadership and Consulting Practice, 2023.

Systemic practical theory helps leaders and consultants to orientate within, make sense of and act intelligently in the organisational system, in ways that enable organisational tasks, roles and responsibilities to be meaningfully developed within a multiplicity of contexts such as organisational cultures, relationships and identities.

Read more here (opens new tab: www.systemicdevelopment.eu)

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