Help with Depression
Understanding and Cure
Many people are seeking help with depression since this condition has become the most frequent mental health diagnosis. The term depression refers to a syndrome typically associated with, amongst others, reduced drive and interest, feeling low and a lack of motivation. That is, a physical and mental withdrawal. Since every person is different and so are the circumstances leading to depression, the processes of healing also vary.
Because depression is a topic relevant to so many people we have below compiled some general ideas for helping with depression based on theories and experiences from our practice. These ideas about depression are, of course, simplified in a number of ways and should not be understood as a substitute for therapeutic treatment.
Understanding withdrawal and depression
- Withdrawal and distancing are often helpful. Most people know of their need for distance, for example gaining distance from work, from other people, from problems. This distance enables us to process experiences, to relax or to develop new ideas. Sleeping, for example, is one form of withdrawal, vacation is another. Furthermore, we can achieve distance through a balance of different activities: family life puts us in distance to work life; doing sports makes us forget our everyday stress.
- Sometimes we can’t distance ourselves and fail to effectively process experiences. You may be familiar with these or similar situations: The requirements from work are so important that you take them home from work and end up taking these worries to bed. There are concerns and anxieties that we cannot easily shake off. We feel burdened for various reasons and we may also find that we cannot really discuss this with anyone.
- Withdrawal spirals in a vicious circle. If, for whatever reason, constructive distancing and processing fail, the body and mind can react with further withdrawal. The person concerned often blames himself or herself, feels guilty or inadequate, cannot understand why he or she suddenly ‘stopped’ functioning. This only makes the problem bigger and often even more undiscussable and so the withdrawal continues.
- Everyday life becomes more and more difficult. Finally, the situation is serious, objective limitations in concentration and memory, constraint emotions and a lack of drive come to the fore. Increasingly these unsolved problems determine our being.
Help with depression
- Take responsibility and find help. Take care of yourself and your concerns. Discuss your burdens, feelings, concerns, fears and hopes in a professional and safe setting. Find a psychotherapist to help you on the path to healing.
- Be open to receive medical support. Depression can hamper important activities in our nervous systems such as joy and drive. Particularly in cases of severe depression, medication can be an important bridging device, helping to compensate for these negative symptoms.
- Be mindful of your abilities and resources. Several things can be done to fight and to undermine depression. Depending on your possibilities and interests, the following activities can be very helpful:
- Talking with family members or friends
- Exercising in the fresh air
- Making small changes in the daily routine
- Consciously allowing yourself small delights
- Trying to sleep and eat healthy
- Noticing the small successes
- Developing and recording goals
- Being a benevolent and patient companion to yourself.
- Being your new self. Once you are feeling better, you may want to start integrating your experiences, new skills, mindfulness and self-care into a new lifestyle.

Overcoming depression – psychotherapy and counselling at Consultation House in Vienna
At Consultation House in Vienna we are working with clients suffering from depression and it is of course our purpose as psychotherapists to help them to live and enjoy the life they hope for and deserve.
Depression can be a condition experienced by adults however children can also be depressed. As a matter of fact some 20% of children and adolescents experience a depressive episode before they reach the age of majority (source: Health Portal Austria). Depressive moods can also unfold in couple relationships and move between partners.
Please feel free to contact us with any queries you may have. We welcome your call.