Systemic Organisational Development in Vienna

Business Coaching & Team Development


With Systemic Organisational Development in Vienna, we offer an effective and sustainable approach to implementing strategies and achieving goals. Projects customised to your requirements can include measures in the area of business coaching or team development, and a great deal more.

We would be pleased to support you in achieving your goals.

Mag Dr MSc

Martin Miksits

Business Economist,
Organisational Developer

What is systemic organisational development?

In organisational development, diagnostic and dialogical approaches can be distinguished (G.Bushe & R.Marshak).  Diagnostic approaches are characterised by linear, causally based problem-solving processes.  The consultant acts as a technical expert.

In contrast, dialogical approaches understand problems and attempted solutions in the context of organisational relationships, communication patterns, the organisational and professional contexts and restrictions, the resources and experiences of people in the organisation. The factual and professional competence to solve problems lies with the staff and members of the organisation.  The consultant helps to shape communication processes in order to bring existing resources, knowledge and possibilities to bear.

Systemic organisational development can be classified as a dialogical approach. Based on the experience and expertise of the staff and through insights in communication, coordination and relationship patterns, new perspectives on problems and ways of solving them emerge.

How does systemic organisational development help achieving goals?

Systemic coaching helps to orient oneself in challenging or complex situations. It helps to grasp the dynamics of a situation or system and thus also to understand how we are a part of it. Based on this knowledge and insight, it is then often possible to set comprehensive and meaningful goals and formulate effective strategies. Read more about business coaching here.

Systemic team development works in a similar way, namely through orientation, insight into prevailing and alternative team dynamics and result-oriented strategic alignment of team activities towards common goals.  By involving all team members, comprehensive and sustainable development steps can often be achieved in the service of goal-oriented communication, coordination, resource orientation and relationship building. For detailed information on our offer for team development continue here.

Just as important as the structured and creative organisational development process is the trusting, professional cooperation with your coach and consultant. After all, it is this working relationship that provides the safe framework to reflect and develop thought patterns, ideas and approaches in a constructive way.

Systemic Organisational Development

Two business people in a coaching conversation

Business Coaching

Team development in small groups

Team Development

Framework and cost for systemic organisational development

Coaching and team development are confidential, independent, external and professional services.  Meetings can take place in our practice in Vienna or other suitable locations. It is also possible to hold coaching and team meetings via internet / video conferencing.

If we have caught your interest, we would be pleased to hear from you. Based on your requirements, we can recommend a concept on how to proceed and provide you with a cost estimate. We would be happy to take the time to listen to your concerns.

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