
Systemic Seminars and Workshops

Private and Professional Development

Welcome to the world of personal and professional systemic development with a variety of seminars, workshops, and events. Our offering covers a broad range of topics aimed at strengthening your abilities to succeed with others and expanding your perspectives. While most events take place in Vienna, we also provide online options to ensure maximum flexibility.

Our seminars focus on key themes such as personal development, relationship building, self-discovery, as well as systemic thinking and action. Additionally, we offer workshops for systemic business leadership and consultation, imparting skills in areas such as communication, coaching, and organizational development.

As part of our longstanding partnership with “The Systemic Development Partnership” we offer training for executives and consultants in English. These seminars and workshops not only emphasize systemic approaches and methods but also facilitate intercultural exchange.

Let yourself be inspired by our practical seminars and explore new ways to unleash your full potential. We look forward to accompanying you on your journey towards personal and professional development.

Systemic Seminars, Workshops and Events

Metaphor picture for self-deelopment

Seminars for

Symbole picture for couple development

Seminars for Couples

Symbolic picture for leadership and consulting competence

Seminars for Leaders and Consultants

Interested in our seminar offer?

We would be happy to hear from you, whether it’s regarding your questions or requirements for a successful seminar. In addition to open seminars we also offer bespoke courses and interventions. Feel free to give us a call.

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