Child Guidance,
Educational Counselling
in Vienna
Child guidance and educational counselling in Vienna
Parents and sometimes grandparents come to a child guidance consultation to our practice in Vienna seeking help or having questions regarding their child’s development. These are often very conscientious, mindful and attentive people who turn to us. To be responsible for the well-being, health, and development of a child, certainly, is a big job. Raising a child can also be very demanding and can at times exceed the resources of parents and those involved in the upbringing of the child.
Consultations are often regarding a specific event or a dynamic. For instance, there may be questions regarding a child’s behaviour or ways to react to a child or adolescent. We usually start the process of consultation by seeing the parents or caregivers without the child. In addition, parents sometimes want us to get to know their child in order to understand the situation or challenge more fully.
In the consultation, we aim to create with you an understanding of the problem and your hopes, make sense of the development so far, and create ideas how to go on. We take the position that every child and family is different and unique and that contexts and resources such as family values, culture and religion need to be considered. We believe that difficulties can often be overcome or situations can be improved by making mindful changes, which more often have the character of trials rather than single ‘right’ or ‘best’ solutions.
We believe that family dynamics matter, for instance the question of the ‘right’ upbringing, the ‘right’ reaction to the child leads sometimes to disagreements between parents or to conflicts with the grandparents. This, of course, shows how important the well-being of the child is to everyone involved. On the other hand, such conflicts can contribute to the difficulty and make the situation even more complex and stressful.
Both children and adults can have special needs or requirements for each other. For example, a child may be particularly active and another very withdrawn. A parent can be professionally very engaged and therefore have a need for rest, whereas another parent with his or her children hast the energy to conquer the world. Of course, parents also have hopes and expectations for the development of their children and family. Consequently, these hopes, expectations and needs affect how they are with their children.

Topics in a child guidance counselling session are for instance
- Conflicts between siblings
- Conflicts between parents and children
- Revolting behaviour and power struggles
- Dealing with the media and the Internet
- Eating behaviour
- Social behaviour
- Learning behaviour
- Rules and limits
- Conflicts between parents regarding educational issues
- Children with special needs
- Mood swings and emotional outbursts
- Penalties and consequences
- Feelings of guilt towards children
To summarise, in child guidance and educational counselling, we try to understand and appreciate the needs and hopes of everyone involved. We will therefore explore with you what is going on in the life of your child, the ways your child is relating with you and others, the child’s development, emotions and behaviours. Based on this we will together develop ideas how to support your child.
We are happy to assist you with challenging situations and educational tasks. To find out how we can be useful for you, just give us a call.